EMC Gestion de Fortune SA a développé, au fil des années, un modèle d’appréhension du risque sur le marché américain des actions baptisé : « Market pulse ». L’approche combine la finance comportementale, l’analyse des forces internes régissant l’offre et la demande, l’étude des cycles et des mouvements de prix. Ce modèle permet d’évaluer en permanence le risque global du marché sur une échelle de 0 à 100.
Friday 7th March 2025 (S&P 500 5770.2 + 31,68)
The stock market sold off at the opening before recovering towards the close, settling a volatile week rich in emotions. Breadth was slightly positive as 2379 stocks advanced compared to 1769 that finished down. Nevertheless, internal momentum is weak as measured by the cumulative advance/decline line on the NYSE and on the Nasdaq and the list of stocks hitting fresh new lows on both markets. Opt6ions trading is neutral to cautious but no extreme readings have been registered yet.
Very short-term oscillator: negative
Short-term oscillator: negative
RVI trend: negative
Trend short-term (5 days): down
Trend mid-term (8 days): down
Differential of trend: down
Risk profile: 42 (scale of 1 (low risk) to 100 (high risk))